Commentary on Luke’s Gospel

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There are many ways to be lost in life, but the most serious is to be lost to God. Luke’s Gospel introduces us to a range of people who met Jesus, understood his message, and experienced his saving power. For the last four years I have been writing a commentary on this Gospel, which shows us how we might have a better understanding of the significance of Jesus for ourselves, grasp hold of the salvation he offers, and be faithful disciples in our different world contexts today. My commentary is due to be published worldwide as one of the first contributions to a new series in July 2024.

Series Editor Lee Gatiss writes that ‘The Hodder Bible commentary aims to proclaim afresh in our generation the unchanging and unerring word of God, for the glory of God and the good of his people.This fifty-volume commentary on the whole Bible seeks to provide the contemporary church with fresh and readable expositions of Scripture which are doctrinally sensitive and globally aware, accessible for all adult readers but particularly useful to those who preach, teach and lead Bible studies in churches and small groups.’

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